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특허신청 완료 (特開2022-114817)

(논문 제 1저자인 미치시타 레나 씨 (츠쿠바대학)는 시모다가 연구지도한 학생 중 한 명입니)

Title: Inoculation with black soldier fly larvae alters the microbiome and volatile organic compound profile of decomposing food waste

The black soldier fly (BSF; Hermetia illucens) is used in sustainable processing of many types of organic waste. However, organic waste being decomposed by BSF produces strong odors, hindering more widespread application. The odor components and how they are produced have yet to be characterized. We found that digestion of food waste by BSF significantly alters the microbial flora, based on metagenomic analyses, and the odor components generated, as shown by thermal desorption gas chromatography mass spectrometry analysis. Inoculation with BSF significantly decreased production of volatile organic sulfur compounds (dimethyl disulfide and dimethyl trisulfide), which are known to be released during methionine and cysteine metabolism by Lactobacillus and Enterococcus bacteria. BSF inoculation significantly changed the abundance of Lactobacillus and Enterococcus and decreased microbial diversity overall. These findings may help in optimizing use of BSF for deodorization of composting food waste.

카테고리: 학생

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