論文公開(碩士2年級生 阿久津 純一先生)

M2 阿久津純一先生的論文已經公開發表了。
Drosophila suzukii 是一種危害小型果實的害蟲,主要在歐洲和美國造成嚴重危害。 然而,直到現在還沒有研究其對產卵基質的大小及形狀的偏好。 在這項研究中,我們闡明了黑腹果蠅對產卵基質的曲率有偏好,並且更喜歡具有高曲率(小半徑)的基質產卵。 這一結果為黑腹果蠅為什麼優先產卵於小型果實提供了新的解釋。
Drosophila suzukii is a pest for the small fruits, and causes heavy
damages on agriculture in Europe and USA. Although the oviposition
preference of this species (e.g. taste, firmness, and color) has been
investigated actively, the preference for certain size and shape has
not been investigated. In this study, we revealed that D. suzukii has
preference for the curvature of oviposition substrate, and prefer to
lay eggs on high curvature (small radius) substrate. These results
provide an additional explanation for why D. suzukii preferentially
uses small fruits as its oviposition sites.